Josie and Lenna, from Overbrook, KS, are battling aplastic anemia and urgently need a bone marrow match. Their parents, Brad and Courtney, are Baldwin High School alumni. Josie, a cheerleader, and Lenna, a family-focused, active girl, share a deep bond and hope for a brighter future.

As the family prepares for their daughters' bone marrow transplants, they are facing an incredibly difficult and lengthy journey. The treatment process will require each girl to be hospitalized for 30 to 60 days, followed by a recovery period within 30 miles of the hospital for a total of around 100 days. Because the procedure is so physically demanding and intense on the child and their family, the medical team is recommending that the transplants not be done at the same time. This could mean the family will be separated for as long as 200 days, with Courtney and the girls needing to stay close to the hospital. The boys, who will be living with their grandparents for a significant period of time, will need to continue going to school near home. The separation will be extremely hard, and the emotional and financial strain on the entire family will be immense. Being away from home for such an extended period, as well as the uncertainty of how long they will be apart, adds even more stress to an already challenging situation.


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